TOEFL Test Strategies Reading Comprehension (PBT, CBT, and iBT)

1. TOEFL PBT (Paper Based Test)

Reading comprehension is used to determine the ability to understand written text of English. There are 50 questions tested with 55 minutes. Reading comprehension is divided into two parts:

v  Reading comprehension: This test tests participants' ability to understand a passage. The pattern of the problem is about main idea, expressed details, unstated details, implied details, vocabulary in context (vocabulary), where (location), and conclusion.

§  Not much time given. So, participants must be able to read and understand it quickly.
§  Do not spend too long on one problem. Work out the easy questions first.

v  Vocabulary: This test specifically tests the English vocabulary.

§  If you do not know the meaning of the word in question, guess by looking at the context of the sentence.
§  In addition to testing the meaning of various vocabulary, this test also tested the ability of participants in terms of synonyms and antonyms.

2.  TOEFL Test CBT (Computer Based Test)

The material tested on TOEFL CBT is actually the same as the TOEFL PBT. However, the way the presentation and the different forms. Here's an explanation:

v  This test consists of 44-55 questions with a time of about 70-90 minutes.
v  The number of questions depends on the speed of the participants in doing it. The faster the work, the more problems that arise.
v  While working on the problem, you can go back to the previous page to read the text again. However, if you have moved to the next text, you can not go back to the previous text.

3. TOEFL iBT Test (Internet Based Test)

If the CBT is a different way of presentation than PBT, the TOEFL iBT is also different in material terms. Supplementary material is simplify meanings, inserts, summarizes, infer purpose, and complete tables.

v  This test consists of 3-5 texts each referring to 12-14 questions with a time of 60-100 minutes.
v The type of problem is multiple choice, inserting sentences into text, and pairing words or phrases.
v  Text in iBT is a full article, not a snippet of articles like PBT and CBT. So, the ability to read fast is absolutely necessary here.

For more details on understanding the TOEFL Structure test strategy, you can see the video below ...

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